

As the world rapidly shifts to use technology to automate mundane tasks and gain efficiencies, companies of all shapes and sizes are turning to AI to stay ahead of the curve — businesses that don’t make the move will likely get left behind.

8 Connect Consulting is leading the charge, making AI available to companies through no-code tools that can be customised and adjusted to fit their needs.

Reducing Manpower Cost with AI

Enhance your small business or professional practice with OpenAdvisor, a customized AI platform powered by industry-leading models. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all solutions like ChatGPT and embrace tailored AI that offers unparalleled benefits. Experience personalized insights, superior customer engagement, and optimized workflows that cater specifically to your unique needs. OpenAdvisor ensures you're always prepared to tackle challenges and seize opportunities, giving you a competitive edge in today's ever-changing business landscape. Adapt and evolve effortlessly with a solution designed exclusively for you, and watch your business thrive with the precision and efficiency that only OpenAdvisor can provide.

"Thanks to OpenAdvisor, our revenue increased by 20% in just three months. This AI-powered platform delivers personalized insights that have completely transformed our sales and marketing strategies. It's a game-changer for any small business looking to drive growth."

Get Started With AI

OpenAI (ChatGPT) on your Steroids

Experience OpenAI like never before with OpenAdvisor – it's ChatGPT on steroids. Our customized AI platform takes OpenAI to the next level, providing you with personalized, industry-specific solutions that supercharge your business or professional practice. Say goodbye to generic and hello to tailored AI that delivers unmatched performance and results.

Talk to us

Don't Get Left Behind

As the world increasingly embraces AI and its capabilities, 8 Connect Consulting is leading the way in making AI use a reality for companies of all sizes.

With an industry leading AI models from Amazon, Google and OpenAI, 8 Connect Consulting is helping companies access AI sooner than ever before and giving them the ability to beat the competition. Don't get left behind.

Make the move to AI today. Contact 8 Connect Consulting to find out how you can use OpenAdvisor to win more deals and reduce your manpower cost.

Try OpenAdvisor for free today
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